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Recent Govt. Projects

  1. Installation of 10 nos. of Electronic Display Board (6/X4/) solution with web based admin. Panel, under Installation of Electronic Display Board for Online Price Monitoring Program - Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM), Khamarbari, Dhaka - 2019-20

  2. ​Development of Web based solution for mobility average rainfall data by district and division  at central dashboard

  3. Agro-Meteorological Information System Development Project (Component-C of BWCSRP) - Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Farmgate , Dhaka-1215, - Ministry of Agriculture, GoB. - 2020​

  4. Development and of supplying of “ agro meteorological software (an interactive and dynamic  mobile and web-based application for disseminating Agro-meteorological advisory information, mobilizing feedback ffrom farmer including real-time climatic harsh events reporting from DAE Officials through mobile devices)” - Agro-Meteorological Information System Development Project (Component-C of BWCSRP) - Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Farmgate , Dhaka-1215 - Ministry of Agriculture, GoB - 2020​

  5. Development of Information System Upgradation (Software for display boards), under Installation of Electronic Display Board for Online Price Monitoring Program - Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM), Khamarbari, Dhaka - 2019-20​

  6. Installation of 50 nos. of Electronic Display Board (6/X4/) solution with web based admin. Panel, under Installation of Electronic Display Board for Online Price Monitoring Program - Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM), Khamarbari, Dhaka - 2018-19​

  7. Supply of a Server including installation, testing, & provide networking services under Installation of Electronic Display Board for Online Price Monitoring Program - Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM), - Khamarbari, Dhaka - 2018-19​

  8. Supply of 50 Units digital display board with different accessories and software solution ( web and mobile based  application for disseminating information). - MONARCH ENGINEERS - 36, Purana Paltan, 3rd Floor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. - 2018-19​

  9. Installation of 10 nos. of Electronic Display Board (6/X4/) solution with web based admin. Panel, under Installation of Electronic Display Board for Online Price Monitoring Program - Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM), Khamarbari, Dhaka - 2017-18

  10. Delivery and Installation of furniture, computer, scanner, printer, projector, digital banner, power backup items in Office. - Overseas Links Ltd. - 1 Ka, TCB Bhaban (Ground Floor), Karwan Bazar, Dhaka-1215 - 2017-18

Past Experience in Performing Different Projects

1. Project title: Conducting feasibility study on food standards and safety

2. Country: Bangladesh Location: Dhaka

3. Name of client with address: Project Director, Second Crop Diversification Project (SCDP),
Khamarbari, Dhaka-1215.

4. Start date (month/year): 1 st November,2016; Completion date (month/year):31st Dec/2016

5. Duration of assignment (months): 2 months

6. Name and address of associated organization(s), if any:n/a

7. Total cost of project: 11,93,750.00

8. Approximate value of services provided by your organization: 11,93,750.00

9. Total number of staff-months of the assignment: 10 staff-months

10. No. of professional staff-months provided by associated organization(s): 5 professional staff-

11. Mention name(s) of senior professional staff involved and assignment performed:Company profile of Kernel International Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh
i). Dr.Md.Saleh Ahmed ii). Dr.Mostak Ahmed iii). Pulin Chandra Roy iv). Ruma Parvin v). Atiqur

12. Narrative description of project: The overall objective is to assess the feasibility of establishing a
Quality and Certification service for fruit and vegetables within DAE.
The specific objectives are to: i. Assess the food quality standards followed in High Value Crops
(HVCs) production in selecting seed/ planting material, land preparation, farm production, irrigation,
fertilizer and plant protection measures and their documentations. ii. Find out the plant protection
and quarantine measures followed and the gaps/deficiencies found there in for overall quality
standards and the food safety measures being practiced in HVCs under SCDP areas. iii. Based on the
above detailed assessment on various components the Lacuna/deficiencies found in the package of
practices, recommend the methods of quality standard certification services by DAE.

13. Output/Findings of the project: The Consultant has produced following reports and documents of
the project: - Present status of the rules and regulations about food safety in Bangladesh and
certification system of food standard and institutions mandated to undertake such services are
documented; - Food quality standards followed in High Value Crops (HVCs) production in selecting
seed/ planting material, land preparation, farm production, irrigation, fertilizer, use of agro-chemicals
including pesticides and plant growth hormones etc. are documented; - Current compliance status of
SPS and TBT measures and recommendations to way forward both for local and export of
horticultural products are identified; - Plant protection and quarantine measures followed during
production of HVCs and the gaps/deficiencies are identified there in for overall quality standards and
the food safety measures being practiced in HVCs under SCDP areas are outlined; - Compilation of
documents based on plant protection and quarantine measures advised by the relevant
departments/agencies for the HVCs including MRL(PPm) and PHI fixed in Bangladesh have been
documented; - Systems of collecting samples of HVCs for analysis in the accredited laboratories (Plant
protection/Quarantine Laboratory, DAE; National Food Safety Laboratory of IPH) in the country is
described; - Capacity and resources required by DAE in respect of qualified staff and laboratory and
other testing equipment are listed; - Demand and potential for developing quality standard and
safety certification system (Organic and GAP certification) for overseas upstream high end market
access and the institution to handle the certification along with the role of DAE have been discussed;
- Future strategy for improving the quality standard certification and safe food production for
domestic market and export of foreign super market/chain shops is outlined; - The methods of food
quality standard and safety certification services of DAE is recommended.

Kernel and its Chairman have extensive experience in working with following projects of Ministry
of Agriculture particularly in organizing foreign training/study tours in foreign countries:

1. Strengthening Phytosanitary Project, DAE,Khamarbari, Dhaka

2. Transfer of technologies through training at Upazila level, DAE,Khmarbari,Dhaka

3. Seed production, storage and distribution of rice,wheat and jute project, phase-II, DAE,

4. Production of safe crops through IPM Project, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.

5. Integrated Farm Management Component (IFMC), DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.Company profile of Kernel International Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh

6. Increasing Crop productivity through Farm Mechanization, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.

7. Ensuring food and nutrition security through integrated agricultural development, DAE,
Khamarbari, Dhaka.

8. Crop i9ntensification in Sylhet region project, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.

9. Pirojpur-Gopalgonj & Bagerhat integrated agricultural development project, DAE, Khamarbari,

10. Year round fruit production for nutrition improvement project, DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.

11. National Agricultural Training Academy (NATA), Gazipur.

12. National Agricultural Technology project (NATP-phase-1), DAE, Khamarbari, Dhaka.

So far, KIL has organized about 150 training/study visits during last 4 years in Bangladesh and more
than 25 countries in the world. As a former National Consultant/Senior Value Chain Expert of the FAO
Food Safety Programme, GAP Expert of AFACI Project, Post-harvest & Quality Assurance Expert of
National Agricultural Technology Project, and Value Chain Experts in several projects, our Chairman
has a vast experience on agricultural production, marketing, food safety and quality assurance,
international food standards/regulations and sustainable food systems.

The chairman of Kernel has participated/ presented papers in different International events:

1. Study tour/training on Best practices on agricultural production, processing and nutritional
improvement in Indonesia during 18-22 May ,2017; Implemented by Department of Agricultural
Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh and event was managed by KIL. Dhaka

2. Study tour/training on Best practices on agricultural production, processing and nutritional
improvement in Cambodia during 23-26 May ,2017; Implemented by Department of Agricultural
Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh and event was managed by KIL. Dhaka

3. Study tour/training on Agricultural Mechanizations in Vietnam during 03-07 June,2016;
Implemented by Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh and event
was managed by SR Consulting International. Dhaka

4. Study Tour on Development of Food Control Guidelines and Pilot Implementation across the
Horticultural Value Chain, held in Thailand during 11-17 October, 2015; organized by Brief Description
and Management Structure of Kernel International Ltd. 13 FAO Food Safety Program, Bangladesh &
implemented by ICDC, Kasetsart University, Thailand.

5. 3rd ISHS Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest systems” to be held in
Siem Reap, Cambodia during 13-15 August, 2015 & participation was sponsored by FAO of the United

6. Study tour/training on Phytosanitary Inspection and Quarantine Regulations in Malaysia during 18-
28 June,2015; Implemented by Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture,
Bangladesh and event was managed by SR Consulting International. DhakaCompany profile of Kernel International Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh

7. Study tour to the Philippines on “Best practices and advanced technologies in quality rice seed
production and fiber industry development” held in 24-30 May,2015; organized by DAE, Dhaka.

8. International Workshop on World Bank Procurement Procedure- held at Sri Lanka Institute of

9. Administration (SLIDA), Colombo; financed by World Bank; organized jointly by Ryokan
Management Consultancy, Afghanistan and SR Consulting International, Bangladesh during 12-18
May 2014.

10. Second Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality Management Postharvest Systems & Asia Pacific
Conference on Postharvest Systems Improvement for Food Security & Poverty Reduction; 4-6
December 2013, Lane Xang Hotel, Vientiane, LAO PDR.

11. Study Tour in Thailand to observe ASEANGAP Farming System-Thai GAP during 26 May- 2 nd June
2013 funded by the World Bank.

12. Study Tour in Thailand to observe Organic Farming in Thailand during 20 May- 2 nd June 2011
funded by the World Bank.

13. Regional Consultation meeting on “Value Chain Analysis and Market Studies in SAARC Countries
held in Kandy, Sri Lanka during 13-14 August,2012; jointly organized by SAARC Agriculture Centre and
Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka.

14. Expert Consultation Meeting on Post-Harvest and Value addition in Horticultural Crops held in
Malaysia during 29 November-3 rd December, 2010; organized by AAPARI. and MARDI, Malaysia.

Besides representing this company, Dr.Md. Saleh Ahmed, Chairman also presented papers during last five years on the following topics:

1. Workshop key-note paper on “Postharvest and Value Addition of Horticultural Produce in
Developing Countries of Asia: Opportunities and Constraints” organize by AFACI, South Korea held in
Dhaka during 19-22 July,2017.

2. Seminar keynote paper on Prospects of Agribusiness Education in Bangladesh held on 20th
February 2017 at ADUST Seminar Room; organized by Atish Dipankar University of Science and
Technology, Banani, Dhaka.

3. Seminar keynote paper on Introduction of GAP for Production of High Value Horticultural Crops to
Enter into the Mainstream Export Markets presented in the seminar held on 14th February 2016 in
the seminar room of Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Kawran Bazar, Dhaka; organized by EPB,
Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh. Brief Description and Management Structure of
Kernel International Ltd.Company profile of Kernel International Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh

4. Seminar keynote paper on Export Promotion of Agricultural Produce: Opportunities, Barriers and
Needed Initiatives presented in the seminar held on 24th October 2016 in the seminar room of
Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Kawran Bazar, Dhaka; organized by EPB, Ministry of Commerce,
Government of Bangladesh.

5. Workshop keynote paper on “Guidelines for Improving Food Safety in Horticulture Value Chains”
held in Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council on 26th April 2016; organized jointly by FAO of the
UN and BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215.

6. Keynote seminar paper presented on “Horticulture for Food and Nutrition “in the National
Horticulture Convention 2015; organized by Bangladesh Society for Horticulture; held on 11 June,
2015 at BARC Auditorium, Dhaka.

7. Technical paper on “Food Safety Hazards in Horticultural Value Chain in Bangladesh: A Case Study”
presented in 3 rd ISHS Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest systems held
in Siem Reap, Cambodia during 14 August, 2015.

8. Workshop paper on Development of Food Control Guidelines and Pilot Implementation across the
Horticultural Value Chain-Experiences of Thailand presented on 25 Oct, 2015 at the conference room
of FAO FSP, IPH Building Mohakhali, Dhaka-1215.

9. Seminar keynote paper on “Reducing Wastage in Fruits and Vegetables Export Supply Chain
through Improved Postharvest Management” held in EPB Seminar Room on 11th November, 2015;
organized by Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Dhaka, Ministry of Commerce, Government of

10. Workshop paper on “Managing Food Quality and Safety Hazards in Fruits and Vegetables through
Application of GAP”; held in BARC on 21st April, 2014; organized by AFACI-GAP Project, BARC, Dhaka.

11. Seminar key-note paper presented on “Compliance of SPS Standards to Supply Quality Agro-
products for Domestic and Export Markets” held at seminar room of Hortex Foundation on 27th May,
2014; organized by National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Hortex Foundation. Dhaka.

12. Workshop paper on “Postharvest Handling and Storage for Selected Vegetable Crops in
Bangladesh held in Dhaka on 21st July, 2014; organized by AVRDC/USAID, Dhaka.

13. Seminar key-note paper presented on “Introduction of Global GAP for Production of High Valué
Horticultural Crop to Enter in to the Mainstream Export Markets” held in EPB Se miner Room on 28th
September, 2014; organized by Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Dhaka, Ministry of Commerce,
Government of Bangladesh.

14. Seminar key-note paper presented on “Export of Fruits and Vegetables in Upstream Markets:
Emerging Challenges and Opportunities” held at seminar room of Hortex Foundation on 22nd
December, 2014; organized by National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Hortex Foundation,
Dhaka. Brief Description and Management Structure of Kernel International Ltd.Company profile of Kernel International Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh

15. Workshop paper on “Environmental and Social Safeguard for Sustainable Supply Chain
Management “Options for Fruits and Vegetables” held in SAARC Agriculture Centre, BARC Complex,
Farmgate, Dhaka held on 19th June,2013; organized by Project Coordination Unit, National
Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of Bangladesh.

16. Workshop paper on “Postharvest Handlings and Quality Assurance of Vegetables: Current Status
& Future Actions” held in BARC on 25th November, 2013; organized by BARI & University of Sydney,

17. Workshop paper on “Quality Control of Raw Materials for Processing of Agro-commodities”, held
in Savar on 12th Jan/12; organized by Bangladesh Agro Processors Association (BAPA), Dhaka.

18. Workshop key-note paper on “Post-harvest Technology for Assuring Quality and Safety of High
Value Crops” held in SAARC Seminar Room on 12th February, 2012; organized by Project
coordination Unit of National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Ministry of Agriculture, BARC,

19. Seminar Key-note paper on “Modernization of Bangladesh Agriculture to Fulfill Domestic Demand
and Expansion of Export Trade”, presented in a seminar paper held in FBCCI Seminar on 18th
February,2012; Organized by Agribusiness Forum of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

20. Workshop key-note paper on “Quality and Safety of Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables
“held at seminar room of Hortex Foundation on 27th February, 2012; organized by National
Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Hortex Foundation, Dhaka.

21. Seminar paper on “Food Quality and Safety Issues in the Fresh Produce Supply Chain in
Bangladesh” held in conference room of Hortex Foundation on 10 June 2012; organized by Supply
Chain Development Component of NATP, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka.

22. Key-note Seminar paper on “Diversification of Processed Agro-products and Identification of
Agro-commodities for Export Markets” held on 14 June, 2012 in Sylhet Chambers of Commerce and
industries; organized by Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), Dhaka, Ministry of Commerce, Government
of Bangladesh.

23. Workshop key-note paper on “Value Addition in Agro-commodities for Better Market:
Transforming Bangladesh” held at the seminar room of Hortex Foundation on 27th June, 2012;
organized by National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Hortex Foundation

24. Workshop paper on “Post-harvest Management and Quality Assurance System in Vegetables”;
held in Hortex Foundation on 23rd July, 2012; organized by BARI & University of Sydney, Australia;

25. Policy discussion paper on “Development of National Organic Program in Bangladesh” held in
Hortex Foundation Conference Room of Hortex Foundation on 6th August 2012; organized by Hortex
Foundation, Dhaka.


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